High mineral content magnesium-potassium salt of therapeutic properties
(93 – 97% CARNALLITE KCL.MgCL2.6H2O, 3-7% NaCL)
The most popular salt type from the Dead Sea is here described the potassium-magnesium salt also called the carnallite salt. It has magnificent therapeutic properties and is commonly used against different skin problems (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, acne). Dominating minerals in the component of the salt are magnesium, potassium and calcium. Others minerals which can be found in the salt in a smaller quantity are iron, chromium, manganese and zinc. The unique combination of these minerals contained in crystal salt makes it the most precious and desirable type of salt occurring in the Dead Sea.
Scientifically proven and tested all over the world the magnesium-potassium salt of high mineral content is significantly effective against many skin diseases (psoriasis, mycosis, skin inflammation, atopic dermatitis), it is also very effective for acne and all impurities, specially recommended for long-lasting youth acne. Salt helps for depression, depressive states, low mood and neurosis (recommended salt baths).
Available in Rossmann and NATURA
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