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When we buy food we usually pay attention to its content, we are all aware how important is the food we consume. With similar attention we should analyse the ingredients of cosmetics, it is not neutral on our skin what cosmetics we apply.
It is worth spending some time to study the ingredients of products we intend to buy. Under the European Union law, every cosmetic authorized to sell must have ingredients listed on the packaging, according to INCI standards (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients).
There are Latin and English names in the system, they are presented in order starting from substances used in the biggest quantity to the substances used in the smallest quantity.
Next step is just to write the particular ingredient into the search engine…
There are two kinds of salt from the Dead Sea used for commercial purpose.
The most precious is magnesium-potassium salt called carnellite salt, it is the salt enriched with macro and microelements. It is easy to recognize because it leaves “greasy” trace on the skin, characteristic only for the original salt from The Dead Sea.
The second type of salt from the Dead Sea is called “crude” salt , its chemical content is almost the same as kitchen salt. It gives the same effect like after using typical kitchen salt.
Products from the Dead Sea Salt, mud and water are used for skin care, they improve its condition and smooth away its problems. You can rub, massage, peel or apply masks. They are used for many purposes and their values have been appreciated for thousands of years. Read our brochure and find out that our products will become indispensible source of health and beauty for You and your family.
We pay utmost attention to our products, we cooperate with our suppliers, we control the output, the production and transport of salt and mud from the Dead Sea. Starting from extracting through packaging process, sea transport and storage. You obtain 100% guarantee that products offered by our company have the highest quality. Apart from the guarantee we give the reasonable price. Every product undergo strict quality control as well as microbiological and dermatological tests also the chemical content is carefully checked.
The quality of the product is not enough if the information about it is not sufficient. That is why it is important for us to offer you the products with detailed description.
OUR ADVICE: avoid buying mud, salt or water from the Dead Sea which do not have the necessary, valid attests from trustworthy institutes and laboratories. According to research some minerals are absorbed through skin pores during the bath time also when you apply salt or mud compress. When you use low quality salt you absorb the low quality substances which can be dangerous for your body.
REMEMBER: products from the Dead Sea: salt, mud and water have strong reaction on the body. Safety of consumers depends a lot upon their high quality.
According to INCI : Maris Sal
recommendation for this product: Baths helpful with treatment of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, mycosis,
directed for cleansing skin pores, acne and pimples reduction also skin condition improvement.
ATTENTION: In modern clinics the carnallite salt is commonly used for depression and neurosis treatment (absorption of magnesium by skin during the bath is proven, magnesium is a mineral necessary for depression treatment). Baths with carnallite salt are recommended for people who suffer from being overworked and exhausted.
The most popular type of salt from the Dead Sea is carnallite
salt known as magnesium-potassium salt (93-97%KCl.MgCL2.6H2O,3-7% NaCI). According to research done all
over the world there are many scientific proofs and tests which state that clean, carnallite salt from
the Dead Sea can help with treatment of psoriasis, mycosis, inflammatory skin diseases (e.g. atopic
dermatitis) is effective against acne and pimples, recommended specially against youth acne. The salt
from the Dead Sea is also used as a treatment against depression, depressive state of mind and neurosis
(recommended salt baths) Dominating minerals of carnellite salt are, magnesium, potassium and calcium.
Other minerals contained in smaller quantities are sodium, chromium, zinc, manganese, iron, copper.
Extremely unique combination of these minerals in salt crystals and its unusual effect on human skin
results that it is the most appreciated salt from the Dead Sea. The Carnallite Salt from the Dead Sea is
completely different from the popular kitchen salt. Carnallite -hydrated potassium magnesium chloride
(KCl – MgCl2 – 6H2O) The salt may seem wet and slightly oily even long time after it was extracted from
the Dead Sea, it is natural process. Although salt stored at home can lose water and become dry it does
not lose its properties. Carnallite loses water but retains oily features, even if you squeeze dry
carnallite in hands it leaves greasy trace on your skin. High content of magnesium is responsible for
oily skin effect. In Jordan and Israel the carnallite salt is popularly called “Semi Dry Salt”.
diseases in severe stadium,
vessels ,
post heart attack stage ,
cardiovascular problems,
pregnancy tuberculosis,
post operational stages,
varicose vein,
ulceration bleeding,
3rd degree hypertension
To prepare the bath you need to add the carnallite salt from the Dead Sea to water in such quantity to obtain the necessary salt concentration. We can divide salt baths into two categories according to their salt concentration: weak salt baths used for cosmetic and relaxing purpose-the concentration is about 0,1%-1%; strong salt baths used as treatment support- concentration about 1%-6%.
We are not going to write about the right salt concentration necessary for the relaxing bath because it is purely individual matter, such concentration may differ depending only on personal choices or preferences. Typical cosmetic-relaxing bath require about 0,1%-1% salt concentration however there are no objects to use higher concentration about 2%-3%. It all depends on personal preferences. What is important baths with higher salt concentration can be taken as prevention against different skin conditions e.g. dermatomycosis. When it comes to relaxing-cosmetic baths the concentration is not that relevant and it may of course be different. However for baths prepared for therapy support the concentration should not be lower than 1%.
Balneotherapy specialists recommend 1%-3% concentration for skin diseases treatment prepared for baths of the whole body, 6% concentration for baths concerning only some parts of body (e.g. feet, hands, palms) It is important to remember that most bathing therapies must last at least several weeks. During this time the baths should be taken about 4-5 times a weak using salt concentration up to 3%. Salt concentration is extremely important when it is prepared for bathing therapy. The partial baths (involving only certain parts of body e.g. feet or hands) are very comfortable also because of other reason. Water prepared for baths can be reused for later baths, we can use it until we see it is not clean enough. It would be rather problematic and difficult to block our baths in the bathrooms for longer period. ATTENTION: Other good way to solve the problem of obtaining the right concentration for bathing therapy is application of salt compress.
The right carnallite salt concentration is extremely important when you want to balance the level of magnesium in the body. Did you know that human body absorbs magnesium via skin during the bath time. It may seem unreal and strange because in common opinion macro and microelements are absorbed only with food. According to the research done by dr. Waring from Biringham University human body can very quickly absorb magnesium through skin. Treatment support baths require MINIMUM 1%. Once again we would like to highlight the fact that skin absorbs all elements also the dangerous ones, that is why it is crucial to use only the high quality salt. Using our products you obtain 100% guarantee that you buy the best clinically researched products.
We have already mentioned that the concentration prepared for relaxing baths is not as relevant as for the bathing therapy and it depends purely upon individuals preferences. How often should you take the bath? There are no restrictions concerning the relaxing bath. Anytime you feel the need you can take a bath. Different issue concerns bathing therapy. Firstly, methodology of salt bath is based on the series of bathes. When the therapy proceeds the concentration should be raised also the bath should last longer. It is advised to start from shorter time of bath with lower salt concentration than the final bath, 2-3 times a week is preferable frequency to start a treatment and step by step raise the salt concentration and the frequency to 4-5 times a week. Bathing therapy should last about 4-5 weeks. Similar time is recommended for patients staying at the Dead Sea resorts. In other cases the results of therapy may not be visible and satisfying (more information about the therapy you can find on our website) when the time of bath is longer the time to rest after the bath also should be longer. It is recommended to take a bath in the evening just before going to sleep. Do not use soap after the bath. If the salt concentration was high we advise to wash off your body delicately with small amount of water. The salt minerals should “penetrate” the skin pores during the sleep.
The ultimate time of bath should usually last about twenty minutes, but due to the safety reason we mentioned above first bath should last half of the typical bath that is no more than ten minutes. The first baths are a very good opportunity to observe any possible reaction on our skin such as any allergic reactions (swelling, red irritated skin) if we observe any of these symptoms we definitely must finish the bath. ATTENTION: red, slightly irritated skin are natural symptoms, especially after using for bath the higher concentration. When we talk about allergic reaction we must remember that they may be very strong and they usually occur with/or swelling. What is more, skin on our feet is less delicate than on the other parts of the body that is why it is not necessary to follow strictly the recommendations for the bath time and we might even prolong the time to 15- 20 minutes starting from the first bath treatment. For anti-mycosis, prevention baths, against excessive sweating or odor it is recommended to add tree tea oil. Baths required for children should be shorter by half.
Right temperature of bath is important when we take a bath of the whole body. To obtain optimal effects we should remain in water about 20 minutes. The bath should be neither too hot nor too cold. Too hot water can be not only unpleasant but also has dangerous effects on our body. Firstly, it is dangerous for our heart it may cause heart disorder and lead to state of bad mood. Secondly, it is dangerous for people who suffer from hypertension. When we take a hot bath we must remember it should not be too long and last no longer than a few minutes. Hot salt bath is recommended only for healthy people after the physical effort, it easies muscle tension it also warms them up, what is more it eliminates sour muscles unpleasant after the effort. Too cold the same as too hot temperature of water is not advised and baths with such temperatures should last in both cases no more than a few minutes. In other case we expose our body to too low temperature and the consequences it follows (e.g. we can catch a cold) what is important, cold water narrows the skin pores as a result it limits the absorption of minerals. 35C-40C is the most preferable temperature for salt baths. This temperature is similar to the temperature of body , in such conditions we are not endangered to overheating or cooling the body. We can take such bath for optimal time – 20 minutes. For baths concerning only certain parts the temperature may be higher, even up to 50 C Hot water opens up the skin pores and enables the micro and macro elements penetrate the skin. Hot baths are specially recommended for people who suffer from excessive sweating, odor. They also help to fight mycosis or feet psoriasis. We recommend also to add to every bath a few drops of high quality tea tree oil.
2. SALT COMPRESSESSalt compresses based on carallite salt are common and very popular method of cosmetic treatment using salt from the Dead Sea, especially for the different types of therapy support. In previous chapters we discussed the issues concerning all aspects of taking a bath. One of the most pleasant thing concerning baths is nice atmosphere it gives, relaxation you feel and of course the minerals which have the positive and beneficial effect on the whole body. Bath of the whole body apart from its positive aspects, helps to fight the skin conditions e.g. acne, it acts also as a prevention of all kinds of skin conditions and diseases on the whole body and as well on different parts of the body. These are highly appreciated advantages concerning the salt. Salt compresses have one big advantage over the typical bath. For someone who needs to use the salt only for one purpose for example as a cure against certain skin condition e.g. limps, acne, psoriasis, the compresses are much more economical in this case than traditional baths. We already know that required effects can be obtained only when they are prepared with the right salt concentration that is about 1%-6%.To prepare 3% concentration for one liter of water we need only 50 grams of salt and if we want to obtain the same concentration for the typical bath we need a few kilograms of salt. For partial body treatment we rather recommend compresses. The preparation of compress is extremely easy, you need to prepare a bowl with mineral water with temperature about 50C (optimal temperature for salt to dissolve) and then add the necessary amount of salt to obtain the preferable concentration. You can use either hot or cool water.
Next you have to soak clean, cotton cloth in the water and apply it on the particular part of the body. You may also use for this purpose the elastic bandage. Remember that the bandage should be neither too tight nor too loose. The optimal time of compress application is about 40 minutes. Keep the cloth or bandage wet all the time, if it becomes dry pour some water on the compress. Cold compresses are therapeutic additionally they have the antiseptic and painkilling effect also they help to fight swellings and tissues congestion, for these reasons they are often recommended after the injuries. To obtain stronger effect of the compress you can cool the water in the fridge. For cold compress you can add pepper mint oil (2-3 drops) the oil helps to eliminate pain and swelling. The average time of compress is about 30-40 minutes. When the bandage dries up soak it again in the water, use1 to 3 application a day depending upon disease or condition. For hot compress use water with temperature about 50 C .You may also wrap the compress with an extra dry layer of bandage or cloth to prevent the compress from drying up too quickly. Hot and cold compresses help to absorb the effusion, help to relax the smooth muscles, have the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The compresses may be helpful for treatments against psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema , muscle pain (fibromyalgia). It is necessary to follow the recommendations concerning the length of treatment 4-6 weeks and the right frequency of taking a bath minimum 4 times a week. What is more, warm salt compresses have warming and relaxing effect.
Solutions based on salt from the Dead Sea can be prepared for problematic skin areas. These solutions are used for washing the problematic areas and against diseases described above. Solutions are commonly used as cosmetics. The ones based on the Dead Sea water MERACTIV are perfect for everyday care of oily skin, problematic skin (acne, pimples) and combination skin. It concerns everyday care of the whole body as well as gentle face skin.
Salt solution from the Dead Sea narrows the pores and leads to effective sebum decrease, pimples reduction and even complete reduction of acne. The salt solution prepared from the Dead Sea water not only narrows the pores it also cleanse them it has slightly antiseptic effect. The effects observed after the treatment are often spectacular. The average time necessary to see the first results is 2-3 weeks for more problematic skin about 4 weeks or longer if necessary. For facial skin care the optimal concentration is 1-2% Prepare the concentration by adding the salt into the mineral water or use the water from the Dead Sea, soak cotton pads and cleanse the face do not omit the forehead. After application you should feel the “tight” skin effect, if it does not occur the concentration might have been to weak.
Next apply cream on the face, correct for your skin type, we recommend creams containing the Dead Sea minerals, it might be the cream that you used up so far but it should be enriched with minerals from the Dead Sea. Pay attention not to irritate you eyes. If the salt gets to you eyes it may cause strong burning, in such case wash heavily the eyes with a lot of water or contact you doctor if the irritation is serious. For other body parts you can use stronger concentration 2-3%. Preparation of the salt concentration- see above) the concentration can be used for cleansing the problematic skin parts when you notice that your skin is “tight” apply the body lotion preferably with the Dead Sea minerals.
coronary vessels ,
post heart attack stage,
cardiovascular problems,
post operational stages,
varicose vein,
ulceration bleeding,
3rd degree
recommendation for this product: masks and mud applications smoothing the skin, mud
compresses for the whole body helpful against acne reduction and skin problems, mud masks for hair, head
skin, against greasy and dandruff hair.
Cosmetics (masks, mud compresses) anti cellulite treatment (hot mud compress), oily skin care (masks, mud compresses), psoriasis (hot and cold mud compresses), atopic dermatitis (hot and cold mud compresses), rheumatism ( hot and cold mud compresses), fibromyalgia/ muscle pain ( hot and cold mud compresses)
Mud from the Dead Sea is commonly used for professional cosmetic treatment, everyday care and a therapy support in a form of:
Mud can be used for face masks and compresses for particular body areas. To prepare the mask you have to thoroughly mix the mud with the water to obtain the thick consistency, apply the thin layer of mud on the skin. The application should be thin but it must cover the skin completely.
You mustn’t apply mud on open wounds or cuts. Preparation of the masks requires heating the mud in warm or hot water. Natural mud from the Dead Sea undergoes a process of separation the mud from the water, it is purely natural process. That is why it is very important to mix the mud thoroughly. There are chemical substances which prevent the mud from separation but our products do not contain any chemical substances. After mixing the mud carefully apply it on the skin, try to apply the thin layer but thick enough to cover the skin surface. The most proper mud for all kinds of treatments is black, cosmetic mud from the Dead Sea, extracted from the bottom and shores of the Dead Sea. From the Cleopatra times in Jordan up till present times mud has been extracted by hands without any machines. Process of extraction is very delicate, machines used for this purpose could collect not only the mud but also other substances consisted in the soil e.g. sand, stones. Each time the mud is collected it is carefully checked and selected. The mud from the Dead Sea is a mixture of precious minerals from the water and organic substances consisted in the soil of its shores. Combination of these two elements creates the perfect, legendary cosmetic.
Many producers use aroma substances mostly the chemical ones to reduce the unpleasant smell. Unfortunately the chemical substances consisted in cosmetics may cause irritation and strong skin allergy. That is why, they are able to place the mud in the clean, foil sack, close it tightly and warm it up.
You can use mud as masks or compresses on the whole body. It is very effective against fighting problems of oily skin type and combination skin type. It helps to fight the exanthema. The Dead Sea mud has beneficial effect on skin pores, it unclogs, shrinks, disinfects and cleanses them. It diminishes the level of sebum and eliminates the problem of acne. After using the mud skin is smoother and much more delicate. The mud as well as water and salt from the Dead Sea is commonly used in treatment of: psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, mycosis and rheumatism. Expensive and sophisticated SPA resorts all over the world use the mud from the Dead Sea. It is popular for cosmetic treatments e.g. anti cellulite or slimming treatment (stimulates the blood circulation, speeds up the process of fat burning)
You can use mud as masks or compresses on the whole body. It is very effective for fighting problems of oily skin type and combination skin type. It helps to fight the exanthema. The Dead Sea mud has beneficial effect on skin pores it unclogs, shrinks, disinfects and cleanses them. It diminishes the level of sebum and eliminates the problem of acne. After using the mud skin is smoother and much more delicate. The mud as well As water and salt from the Dead Sea is commonly used in treatment of: psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, mycosis and rheumatism. Expensive and sophisticated SPA resorts all over the world used the mud from the Dead Sea. It is used for cosmetic treatments e.g. anti cellulite, slimming treatment (stimulates the blood circulation speeds up the process of fat burning)
recommendation for this product:
masks and mud compresses smoothing the skin, mud compresses for the
whole body against skin problems, helpful with acne reduction, mud masks for hair, head skin against
greasy and dandruff hair.
Cosmetics (masks, mud compresses) anti cellulite treatment.(hot mud compress) oily skin care (masks, mud compresses), psoriasis (hot and cold mud compresses), atopic dermatitis (hot and cold mud compresses), rheumatism (hot and cold mud compresses), fibromyalgia/muscle pain (hot and cold mud compresses)
Dry mud is a new product on the market and because it is so easy to store at home and very comfortable as well it has become very popular. Dry mud is obtained from black, cosmetic mud collected in a traditional way (with hands) from the Dead Sea shores. Collected mud is later put on the specially prepared platform where is undergoes the process of drying in the sunshine. The Dead Sea region characterizes with scarce rain, most of the year is sunny. In such conditions the mud gets dry very quickly. It is interesting that freshly collected mud is completely black and after its exposure in the sunshine it turns into coffee-brown color. Despite the color change dry mud retains all its healthy and cosmetic properties. In common opinion of our consumers dry mud is much more economical and practical in use than the wet one.
You can use mud as masks or compresses on the whole body. It is very effective against fighting problems of oily skin type and combination skin type. It helps to fight the exanthema. The Dead Sea mud has beneficial effect on skin pores it unclogs, shrink and disinfect and cleanses them. It diminishes the level of sebum and eliminates the problem of acne. After using the mud skin is smoother and much more delicate. The mud as well As water and salt from the Dead Sea is commonly used in treatment of: psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, mycosis and rheumatism. Expensive and sophisticated SPA resorts all over the world used the mud from the Dead Sea. It is used for cosmetic treatments e.g. anti cellulite, slimming treatment (stimulates the blood circulation speeds up the process of fat burning)
The mud from the Dead Sea is commonly used for professional care, everyday care and as support to disease treatment in form of:
Mud can be applied as masks, compresses on particular parts or the whole body. The preparation of masks from the Dead Sea mud is extremely easy. Take some mud necessary for one application and add some water (1 part of mud with 7 parts of water) and mix it till you obtain the thick consistency then apply the mud on the skin. Avoid using tap water, the most preferable is mineral water or in necessity cool pre-boiled water. The first application should be treated as a sample test to check your skin reaction. The optimal time of the mask is 15 minutes, first application should last about 2-3 minutes. Symptoms like red skin and slight skin irritation are normal ( stimulation of blood circulation, salt reaction) Wash off the mud immediately if the following symptoms occur: swollen, very red skin or feeling of strong burning. Although this occurs very rarely it may happen in some cases. The mud should be washed off each time with warm water before it gets dry completely. It is advised not to use soap or other cosmetics to wash off the mud. Keep away from the eyes, it may cause irritation.